Asparagus / Cabbage / Yellow Squash / Zucchini

Put one of these options:
2 c cut asparagus or diced zucchini
or diced yellow squash
4 c diced cabbage
1 c diced red, orange
or yellow bell peppers
1 c diced sweet onions (like Vidalia)
1 minced garlic clove
2 t basil
1/2 t dill
1/8 t celery seed
1/2 t salt
1 t lemon juice
1 c water
in a large pan & stir.
Cook covered on med. for
7 min. for yellow squash & zucchini
17 min. for asparagus & cabbage
Stir occasionally.
Then cook uncovered on med. for 7 min. more.
Stir occasionally.
After cooking, add:
1/2 t virgin coconut oil or olive oil
& stir.
or cool down & refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 3 days.

