Banana Blends
8 very ripe bananas (or as many as you want)
Cut into 1" pieces & put into jars.
(Will keep up to 3 months in freezer)
Take out frozen fruit from the freezer
& let it thaw 30 min. before blending.
Blend in batches as much as you need.

For Banana
2 c frozen very ripe bananas
1/2 c water
in a blender & blend for 10 - 20 sec.

For Banana / Strawberry / Blueberry / Grapes
1 c frozen very ripe bananas
1 c frozen strawberries, blueberries
and/or grapes
1/2 c water
in a blender & blend for 10 - 20 sec.

For Banana / Peach / Pear
1 1/2 c frozen very ripe bananas
1/2 c frozen peaches and/or pears
1/2 c water
in a blender & blend for 10 - 20 sec.

Can also add to any of the blends:
1 - 2 t coconut butter
1 T fresh or frozen raspberries
to the blender.
Pour in bowls or glasses.
Can serve plain or with:
RecipeRICH Toasts, Breads, Bars or Pancakes.
Delicious refrozen, too.
Just take out of the freezer & thaw at room temperature for 1 hr. before serving or thaw in the refrigerator for 3 - 5 hrs. before serving.