GI Cleanse

GI Cleanse
GI Cleanse


1 capsule of black walnut hull
1 capsule of wormwood
can also take 1 capsule papaya seed
with all meals.

Can also take:
mimosa pudica
30 - 60 min. before eating

Can take:
1 capsule of cape aloe vera
before going to bed, to keep your bowels moving.

Can also take, starting slowly with:
1st day 1/4 t diatomaceous earth
2nd day 1/2 t diatomaceous earth
3rd day 3/4 t diatomaceous earth
4th day & on 1 t diatomaceous earth
in a glass of water when you get up or between meals every day.

Take these herbs throughout all Phases of the cleanse.
Don’t stop taking them.
Just the food you eat will change.

Phase I (1 - 7 days)
Garlic - Go as many days as you can eating as many minced raw garlic cloves on a plate & put it in vegan capsules using the pointed end of a knife or put a little on the tip of a spoon & dip it in a little water & swallow with the water & more water if needed as you want for as many days as you can, up to 7 days.

Pumpkin Seeds - eat as many pumpkin seeds as you want for as many days as you can, up to 7 days.

Herbs - take the herbs listed above.

Some people can only go 2 - 3 days on just the garlic, pumpkin seeds & herbs.
That is fine, then just start Phase II.
We know some people have gone 5 days & some who have gone the whole 7 days.

Phase II (3 - 4 weeks)
Take at least:
2 minced raw garlic cloves
per meal minced on a plate & put it in vegan capsules using the pointed end of a knife or put a little on the tip of a spoon & dip it in a little water & swallow with water per day with all meals.

Take at least:
1 cup of pumpkin seeds
per day divided among all meals.

Herbs - Continue taking the herbs listed above.

And add any of this list of foods to your diet for 3 - 4 weeks for breakfast, lunch, & if you eat supper:
Cabbage Kale Bok Choy Arugula Spinach Seaweed Lettuce Green Peas Green Beans Bell Peppers Cucumber Asparagus Celery Carrots Brussel Sprouts Cauliflower Broccoli Zucchini yellow Squash Okra Artichokes Eggplant Leeks Onions Garlic Ginger Turmeric Fennel Chickpea Pasta Lentil Pasta Coconut Milk Coconut Meat Coconut Flakes Olives Avocado Lemon Lime Lentils (any kind) Black Beans Chickpeas Pumpkin Seeds Papaya Seed Almonds Cashews Brazil Nuts Pistachios Peanuts Tahini Coconut Oil Extra Virgin Olive Oil Grapeseed Oil Avocado oil Vegetable Oil Stevia

Foods to Avoid:
Bananas Cantaloupe Watermelon Honeydew Melon Oranges Pears Apples Kiwi Peaches Plums Nectarines Beets All Meat Seafood Dairy Eggs Pasta White All Purpose Flour Whole Wheat Flour Rice Flour Spelt Flour All Refined Sugar Honey Maple Syrup Agave Nectar Alcoholic Beverages Rice All Potatoes Varieties Corn Bbq Sauce High Sugar Fruit Juices Soda Tofu Seitan Tempeh Coffee Ketchup

Phase III (2 - 4 weeks)
Eat a normal diet, but continue taking:
2 minced raw garlic cloves per meal
1 cup of pumpkin seeds per day
& the herbs listed above per meal/day.
