Honey Oat Granola

Honey Oat Granola
Honey Oat Granola

(Can be made a day or more before)

Preheat oven at 350º

5 c rolled oats
1/4 c unsweetened shredded coconut
1/2 c pecans, walnuts

and/or sliced or slivered almonds
1 - 2 T pumpkin, sunflower seeds

or flax seeds (optional)
1/4 t coriander
or powdered vanilla (optional)
1 t salt

2 T virgin coconut or olive oil
2/3 c honey

to the large bowl or mixer bowl.
Mix in a mixer or with a spatula.

Spread in a large glass pan.

Bake uncovered at 325º for 15 min.

Take out, stir & reduce heat to 225º
& continue baking for 15 min. more.

Take out, stir & continue baking for 1 hr. or more, stirring every 20 min. until dry.

Use in the RecipeRICH recipes below or serve with:
any RecipeRICH Milks.

Or cool down & store in an airtight container.


Goes in these recipes:

Crunchy Butternut Squash

Crunchy Butternut SquashCrunchy Butternut Squash
Millet PuddingMillet Pudding

Millet Pudding